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Traumafreies Tauchen
Course„Untertauchen ist mehr als nur eine Schwimmfertigkeit, es ist ein Ganzkörpererlebnis“
Early Years Swimming Flash Cards and Videos
Digital downloadEnhance your swimming lessons with our digital download featuring 17 flash cards and 11 videos designed for baby swim development. This resource provides vital skills and techniques, ensuring safe and confident aquatic journeys for your students.
Spinal Galant Reflex: Ebook
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)EBOOK: Helping Aquatic Professionals become Reflex Aware and help improve the outcomes for all children. This e-book focuses on the Spinal Galant Reflex; how to work with it and how to help a child with a retained SG presenting as ADHD symptoms
Play is an Aquatic Super Power
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Discover how play goes beyond just songs and toys in the water. Learn strategies to implement into your classes, enhancing both your teaching and lessons. Self-guided modules are supported with activities, videos and downloads; come and play :)
Trauma Free Submersions
Course5.0 average rating (6 reviews)"Submersion is more than a swim skill, it is a whole-body experience" Dive into the world of submersions; the history, the psychology through the eyes of the child. Strategies to evolve the practice into a completely child-led process and approach.
Essential Movement for Aquatic Development
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Why is child-led movement so important, especially in the water? How does this movement impact on brain and physical development? How can we help to promote child-led movement - and how this helps our learn to swim programme?